Resource Lookup Tour


DUOS launched a new technology tool, the Resource Lookup Tool, for representatives called Duos to find resources while on the phone with members. Along with using this brand-new tool, Duos would need to be able to follow a new process, including recognizing what was once considered “in scope” for the Duo that was now “out of scope”.


The Resource Lookup Tour course was one part of a larger initiative to educate Duos on how to navigate this new technology and the process for using the tool while on the phone with members. This training also reinforced the expectation to dig deeper in their conversations with members to uncover any barriers to care or any additional needs the member may have.



  • Articulate Rise

  • Canva

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Audacity


  • Needs Analysis

  • eLearning Development

  • Audio Editing

  • Photo Editing